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Grout Color Seal vs. a Grout Pen

Grout color seal seems a benign enough do-it-yourself task.

As it pertains to grout color seal vs. a grout pen, The Grout Medic always recommends professional color sealing. Are grout pens readily available? Yes. Can you use a grout pen on your own? Sure. But how far are you willing to take the task of grout color sealing using only a grout pen?

grout color seal vs. a grout pen
Grout color seal vs. a grout color pen – which is better? We recommend professional grout color sealing.

Grout Color Seal vs. a Grout Pen – How, When?

When should you choose professional grout color seal vs. a grout pen? Grout pens are honestly anecdotally effective for small touch-ups. Let’s say you are having guests, and notice a few spots of discoloration in your guest shower. This might be a time you would not choose professional grout seal vs. a grout pen. A grout pen can be quickly gotten and applied to spots of discoloration here and there. However, it is worth noting that results will vary depending on the pen you choose, and the skill with which you apply it. Add to that, grout pens offer a temporary solution at best.

Choose professional grout color seal vs. a grout pen for professional results.

For Grout Color Sealing, We Are at Your Service

We understand that you want your project completed fast. That is one reason that many of our clients try to do it on their own at first. However, The Grout Medic is a perfect solution for recoloring your grout quickly! It takes one quick phone call, one short in-home consultation, and one visit to complete your grout color sealing service. Each Grout Medic location prides itself on availability and flexibility to accommodate the busiest of schedules. What’s more, our professional results are guaranteed.

What are you waiting for?

Get in touch with The Grout Medic for your in-home or business consultation by filling out our form here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Also read: Is grout color stain right for you?


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